Monday, February 17, 2014

My Launch

For my senior project I am going to try and go cook in an actual restaurant. Cooking is my passion, I've always wanted to learn from an actual chef and this is my chance. In order to do this I'm going to use the internet to contact professionals, blog about my experiences, and learn many new things along the way. My goal come June is to be able to cook for my friends and show them that I can cook and that it tastes amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to work with you on my paper, my subject is "freedom". I chose you based on your chosen project subject; cooking. I think that you would be able to provide me with information or opinions on your subject that relates to mine which would make it an even broader addressal of freedom. My topic is very broad and confusing to begin with, but with various points of reference, I think it can come together better with input from you. If you think you can help me, let me know. Thank you.

    Dale Bebeau
