Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1) Expository- adj - of the nature of exposition; serving to set forth

The expository class was such an interesting class that i will want to take it again next semester.

2) Composition- n - the act of combining parts or elements to form a whole

The composition notebook was composed of hundreds of sheets of paper bound together by leather.

3) Assuage- v - to soothe or calm

To assuage the boy's fear of the dark, his parents plugged in a night light.

4) Decadence- n - moral degeneration or decay

The fall of Rome was due to their decadence within their society.

5) Hackneyed- adj - made a commonplace or trite

The hackneyed image of his paintings were out of this world.

6) Coalition- n - a union into one body or mass

The United Nations is a coalition of many nations that are all friends.

7) Transcend- v - to rise above or go beyond

Even though Kobe Bryant tore his achilles tendon, he was about to transcend through the pain and make his two free throws.

8) Meritorious- adj - deserving praise, reward, and esteem

The meritorious man was acknowledged for saving a boys life and was given a key to the city.

9) Lurid- adj- gruesome, horrible, and revolting

The lurid image of dead bodies, haunted the little boy's dreams for years.

10) Petulant- adj - moved to or showing sudden impatient and irritation.

The petulant mad decided he didn't have to wait in line so he decided to cut ahead of everybody.

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